Tanzer 16 Constitution


The name of this organization shall be "The Tanzer 16 Class Association".


The object of the Tanzer 16 Class Association shall be to promote family daysailing and class racing under uniform rules governed by this association and to prevent design changes intending to outclass boats now constituting the Tanzer 16 Class.


The official emblem of the Association shall be as indicated on the sail of the official plan.


  1. To cooperate with other yachting associations and, in return, to insist on strict observance of the rules of the Tanzer 16 Class Association.
  2. To cooperate with the manufacturer in keeping the cost of acquisition and upkeep of Tanzer 16 sloops within modest limits without sacrificing high standards of performance and seaworthiness.
  3. To provide sailing, racing, and instructional activities for Tanzer 16 owners.


  1. A Tanzer 16 owner shall apply for membership in the Association through a fleet on whose waters he normally sails. If this is not possible, he may apply directly to the Association for unattached membership. In either case, his application shall be subject to refusal for cause by the Executive Committee.
  2. A fleet is a group of members who normally sail in a defined geographical area. It elects its own officers which must include a fleet secretary. The fleet is self-governing in all local matters not conflicting with Association rules, and has power to accept or reject applications for fleet membership.
  3. Three or more fleets may petition the Class Executive Committee to form a district. A district shall be represented by a District Governor who is charged to coordinate interfleet activities within the district, including district regattas, and to provide coordination of district activities with the Class Association. Additional fleets may petition the Executive Committee to join a district.
  4. The powers of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee.


The Association has jurisdiction over all Tanzer 16 activities. Its constitution, bylaws and specifications govern all Tanzer 16 sanctioned events, regardless of by whom they are held and are binding upon all owners and fleets. All sanctioned events are those so named by the Class Executive Committee.


  1. A new fleet may be granted a charter upon application to the Executive Committee by three or more members of the Association who own three or more registered Tanzer 16 sloops outside the territory of an organized fleet.
  2. Fleet charters may be granted or suspended by the Executive Committee, but revoked only at an annual meeting for failure to maintain in good standing a minimum membership and quota of Tanzer 16 sloops as above required, or for other adequate causes. (For terms of annual renewal, see by-laws.)


Association dues and taxes shall be fixed by the by-laws. Fleet dues, if any, shall be fixed by the fleet. Both must be paid before a member can be in good standing in either.


An attached member is a member of a chartered fleet and has the privilege of voting and holding office. He must be an owner of a Tanzer 16 sloop and an amateur. There are no age or sex limitations.

  1. An unattached member is a person meeting all attached membership requirements except that he is not a member of a fleet. He is entitled to all privileges of attached membership except fleet representation.
  2. An associate member is an amateur and a joint owner, member of the immediate family of an owner, or enrolled as part of the crew, of a specific Tanzer 16. An associate member cannot vote, hold office, or represent a fleet.
  3. A sustaining member is a person who joins the Association because of any interest in the welfare of the class. A sustaining member may not vote, hold office, or represent a fleet.
  4. Subject to approval of the fleets concerned, a member may belong to more than one fleet at a time, and may race his Tanzer 16 with such fleets. Such member shall have, however, only one vote in the association business and his Tanzer 16 may only qualify for sanctioned events from one fleet. Such member shall notify the association secretary which of his multiple fleet memberships is to be used for voting and qualification purposes.
  5. Attached or unattached membership shall be relinquished when the member ceases to be a Tanzer 16 Owner.


  1. Executive Officers
    1. The Executive Officers of the Tanzer 16 Class Association and their respective duties shall be as follows:President: The President is the chief executive. He shall preside at meetings, serve as chairman of the Executive Committee, rule on procedure and jurisdiction, summarize decisions, appoint special committees, authorize payment of all bills.Commodore: The immediate past President shall be the Commodore of the Association. In the event that the immediate past President is unwilling or unable to serve, the Executive Committee shall appoint as Commodore an active member who has previously served as an Executive Officer. The Commodore shall officiate in the absence of the President.Secretary-Treasurer: The Secretary shall handle all correspondence, record the minutes of meetings, maintain an accurate and current record of all members, fleets, and registered Tanzer 16 sloops, issue measurement certificates, and perform all other duties pertaining to such office.As Treasurer, he shall receive all dues and fees paid to the Association, deposit funds in the depository approved by the Executive Committee, keep financial books and securities of the Association, and disburse funds in excess of two hundred dollars only upon order of the President.Chief Measurer: The Chief Measurer shall answer questions about measurement specifications. He shall interpret the specifications concerning construction, sail plan, rigging and equipment, and shall make rulings on matters not specifically covered in the official plans and specifications. All rulings of the Chief Measurer shall be as binding as if published herein. He shall not, however, approve changes in construction specifications, sail plan, or standing riggings.
    2. The aforementioned officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and serve for one year, or until their successors are elected or appointed. Each shall be nominated, seconded, and voted upon separately by the fleet delegates and unattached members in the order named. The candidate for an office receiving the greatest number of votes shall be considered elected to that office. Those so elected shall take office on December 1, following election.
    3. Should the office of an Executive Officer be vacated by death, resignation, or removal for cause, the Executive Committee shall appoint from the Association a replacement to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
    4. To be eligible for election, each of the aforementioned officers when nominated shall signify his willingness and ability to attend at least one meeting during his term of office at any location within North America which shall be selected by the Executive Committee.
  2. District Officers
    1. The District Office of the Association shall consist of:District Governor:  The District Governor shall be a member of the Executive Committee and have general supervision over interfleet Tanzer 16 activities in the District. He shall represent the District on the Executive Committee, arrange for the holding of the District Regatta, promote the establishment of new fleets, provide dealer liaison and assure maintenance of all District Fleets in good standing with the Association.District Secretary:  The District Governor may appoint a District Secretary who shall officiate during the absence of the Governor and represent him as required. He shall be responsible for communication with fleets and the Association as required.
    2. The District Governor shall be elected by vote of the Fleets in each district. Each fleet shall have one vote. The election must be held in advance of the Class Association annual meeting. The District Governor shall serve the same period as Class Officers. Each fleet desiring to recommend nominees for District Governor shall submit such nominees to the Governor (or Secretary) two months prior to the annual meeting each year. Before making such nominations, such Fleets shall ascertain the willingness of its candidate to accept the office if elected. Within two weeks of the above date, the District Governor's office shall send to each Fleet Secretary of record, a ballot containing the names of all nominees and the date when elections shall close. Completed ballots shall be sent to the Class Association Secretary who shall notify the newly elected District Governor.
    3. If any district fails to hold an election as provided above, a Governor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee prior to the annual meeting.


  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of all Executive Officers and the District Governors. A quorum shall exist if four members are present, of whom at least three are Executive Officers. Meetings may be held with lesser representation, but voting shall not be official until and unless all members of the Executive Committee are polled in writing if a quorum had not been present at the meeting.The Executive Committee shall interpret the constitution, by-laws, and shall conduct all business and determine the policy of the Association, shall serve as the last court of appeals in disputes over constitutional rights. The Executive Committee has the power to enforce its decisions by suspensions of entire fleets or individual members. Its rulings shall be binding and final. The Executive Committee may amend the by-laws, but not the constitution.
  2. The Executive Committee shall appoint any committee it may deem necessary.


  1. National Race Committee. A National Race Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, and shall serve until twenty-four hours after the last heat of a sail-off of the National Championship Series or until all matters pertaining to the series have been resolved. The National Race Committee shall:
    1. Consist of five persons named by the Executive Committee.
    2. Have sole jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to the management and conduct of the National Championship Series Races, providing that the powers thereof shall not extend to other matters, nor shall it be empowered to revoke Executive Committee rulings.
    3. Shall be charged with the general supervision of the Regatta.
    4. Become dissolved after all protests and business have been disposed of, including a report to the secretary.


  1. The Annual Meeting shall be held during the period of and in the vicinity of the National Championship Series Races, if possible. Special Meetings by order of the Executive Committee or upon demand in writing, by twenty-five percent of the fleets or unattached members must be held. Time and place of all meetings must be fixed by the Executive Committee.
  2. Notice must be sent announcing any business or proposals to the last recorded secretary of each fleet and if possible to each member, in time to permit voting by mail. No business other than that stated can be transacted at any annual or special meeting.


  1. The membership of each fleet shall be responsible for the selecting and instructing or a delegate. If unable to send a delegate, the fleet shall assign a duly authorized proxy to present the fleet's views and cast its vote at all meetings. The delegate of proxy shall be certified in writing by the Fleet Secretary.
  2. Any number of alternates or proxies may be named, but the first in order present shall be the only one entitled to cast the fleet's votes. Only those alternates or proxies property certified in writing by the fleet secretary will be recognized.


  1. Each fleet shall be entitled to cast one vote for each Tanzer 16 sloop enrolled in said fleet which has been properly recorded with the Association by an attached member in good standing, but no fleet is entitled to more than one third of the total number of votes cast. No more than one vote shall be allowed for any one member, no matter how many Tanzer 16 sloops he may own. Membership books close thirty days before any meeting, or as otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee. Votes shall be cast in accordance with the instructions of individual owners.
  2. All members may be heard, but only accredited delegates, proxies, alternates, and unattached members shall vote on motions. All entitled to vote must vote on each motion, unless excused by the Chairman. A majority of votes cast shall decide all questions, if not otherwise stipulated, and the Chairman shall cast the one deciding vote in case of a tie. He may also fix a time limit on speakers and debate of motions.


Any member may be expelled from the Association by at least a three-fourths vote at an annual meeting.


  1. The constitution may never be suspended but may be amended at any meeting of the Association by two-thirds of the votes present, providing that notice of such proposed amendments are sent to members of the Association not less than thirty days prior to the date of the meeting.
  2. Amendments to by-laws and specifications may be made at any time by the Executive Committee by an affirmative vote of four-fifths of its members, and shall be enforced pending ratifications at the next meeting of the Association.
  3. Amendments to the specifications shall be proposed by any member to the Chief Measurer, who shall present the proposal to the Executive Committee for further study and action.
  4. The basic principles of Article 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 cannot be changed, nor can amendments be passed which shall render ineligible a former Tanzer 16 sloop or member whose eligibility was established under the then existing rules of this association and whose status cannot be changed to conform to the proposed amendments, nor shall retroactive legislation be passed affecting members' or fleets' constitutional rights, except by as three-fourths vote of the total voting strength of the Association. If not present a referendum may be ordered.
  5. The Executive Committee shall have the power to simplify, clarify or correct the language of any article if the intent of the purpose remains unchanged.


The design and specifications of the Tanzer 16 sloop are owned by Tanzer Industries Limited, who also own the registered Tanzer 16 trademark. Tanzer Industries Limited will not make any changes to the design, equipment and specifications of the Tanzer 16 sloop without the approval of the Association. The Association will not make any changes in the specifications and equipment of the Tanzer 16 sloop without the approval of Tanzer Industries Limited. This article shall not restrict Tanzer Industries Limited from changing its source of supply for equipment of equivalent design as described in the specifications and Tanzer 16 Specifications.

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